In California, with our milder seasons in comparison to the rest of the country, you might be wondering if you need to stick to a particular schedule for tree pruning or if it can be…
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Safety Pruning For Clearance and Visibility
Safety pruning your trees and landscape is necessary when clearance and visibility have become an issue. If a tree is in the way and jeopardizing clearance, then it is vital that pruning takes place for…
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Hiring A Tree Removal Service to Prepare for Solar Panel Installation
It’s a hard decision when contemplating tree removal service to prepare for solar panels. Trees are amazing and most homeowners love their land because of the layout. Therefore, going green and removing trees can be very difficult….
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5 Ways Climate Change Is Impacting The Health of Trees
Weather is changing how plants grow, particularly trees. Those trees native to an area might not be prepared for the shifting weather patterns that can negatively impact them. Think of the continually reduced rainfall for…
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5 Reasons Pruning Will Ensure the Safety of Your Home and Family
When it comes to taking care of your trees, then you want to make sure that they are being pruned regularly. Every tree needs to have dead or dying branches addressed to maintain its health…
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3 Ways to Tell If Your Tree Is Sick
Having a tree in your yard can be so beneficial, as it provides shade, home for various birds and wildlife, and more. Walking through your yard, you might notice that something is off with your…
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How Inconsistent Weather Can Impact Your Trees
Trees are seen as a strong plant, and one that can survive in a variety of conditions. However, when weather is inconsistent, it can negatively impact your trees and their ability to remain healthy. With…
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Why the Season You Trim Your Trees Matters?
In North County San Diego, the trees throughout your property provide both beauty and shade, but they also are an important part of the ecological system of your neighborhood. As part of your efforts to…
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5 Ways Trimming Your Trees Helps Them Grow
Trees can be an amazing asset to your property no matter where the location but especially in San Diego. Being a major county San Diego boasts so much beauty from the beaches; mountains and close…
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Weeding Out Poor Prospects: How to Choose a Certified Arborist
Your trees are a beautiful extension of your home and contribute greatly to the overall curb appeal of your property while providing environmental benefits as well. Like any part of your home, working with professionals…
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