ISA Certified Arborists
Serving North County Since 1983
Drought Tolerant Trees San Diego & Water-Wise Landscaping in North County
At Tree Barber, we are committed to doing our part during the increasingly devastating drought conditions throughout Southern California, specifically the increasing water restriction regulations in North County San Diego.
Many of our clients have asked what they can do to have a more water-wise landscape. The first step is identifying and utilizing drought-tolerant trees suited for San Diego. Paul Rider, ISA Certified Arborist #WE-1087A, has compiled a list of ideal trees for conserving water.
View our gallery below of drought tolerant and drought resistant trees, click the image for full details.
In addition to using drought-tolerant trees, there are a few other tips to help with conserving water:
- Group plants thoughtfully. When selecting trees, shrubs, ground covers, perennials, and annuals for your garden, look for those that naturally grow together and use about the same amount of water.
- Use water wisely. Water plants only when needed, not by the clock or calendar. Water at night, when evaporation is much lower, and the air is calmer. Avoid runoff and overspray.
- Improve your soil. Routinely cultivate your soil, incorporating organic matter such as compost. Doing so improves the soil’s ability to resist evaporation and retain moisture. Aerate heavy or compacted soil around trees.
- Mulch. Take a cue from nature and choose one of many organic mulches that add great visual texture to your landscape, such as shredded bark or chips, wood grindings, compost, aged sawdust, or even low-growing ground cover. A 2-4 inch layer of mulch also evens temperature extremes, keeping the soil cool on hot days and warm on chilly days. It also prevents the soil from crusting, allowing better water penetration. Inorganic mulches, such as gravel or rock, let the most water in and are frequently used with plants susceptible to crown rot.
- Plant trees. Trees help lower air and soil temperatures, reducing plant and soil moisture loss.
- Group container plants. Arrange containers so that they shade one another. During droughts or periods of drying winds, place them in the deepest shade they can tolerate. Wet the entire rootball and double-pot by setting small pots inside larger ones with a layer of sand or gravel between top-dress pots with a layer of mulch over the soil.