ISA Certified Arborists
Serving North County Since 1983
Tree Pest Control San Diego
Tree Barber is Your Tree Insect and Health Care Expert in North County!
Insects and diseases pose two of the most serious threats to your trees in North County, San Diego.
If not monitored, insects and diseases can quickly turn your trees from assets into liabilities. Tree Barber uses a comprehensive approach to managing insects and diseases that start with maintaining proper tree health, including pruning and creating ideal soil conditions. The healthier your trees are, the less chance of insect or disease damage.
Tree Barber's Certified Arborist is thoroughly trained in diagnosing and treating these problems. Although we are certified and licensed to treat these issues through spraying and trunk injection methods, we are environmentally conscientious and apply only when necessary.
We are licensed by the State of California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
Contact Us Today!
Tree Insect Control
Hundreds of insect species cause damage to tree branches, trunks, roots, and foliage. Tree Barber's arborist is trained and experienced in correctly identifying and preserving beneficial insects while effectively managing the damaging insects.
Tree Disease Control
Trees can become infected with diseases just like people. There are many different bacterial and fungal diseases that can cause damage to the health of your trees. Diseases are often more damaging because they sometimes affect the water and nutrient functions of the tree, which can cause further damage to the surrounding landscape.
Tree Fertilization
A happy tree is indeed a healthy tree. The healthier your trees are, the less chance of insect or disease damage. While we believe proper pruning is probably the most important practice to ensure strong, healthy trees, we also know that root health and proper soil care are necessary.
In North County San Diego's urban environment, trees often suffer from nutrient deficiency due to competition with other trees and plants. Tree Barber's Certified Arborist will help you to understand proper soil care treatment options such as fertilizing, mulching, and root pruning. Fertilizing improves the vitality of your trees and encourages insect and disease resistance while cultivating growth.