ISA Certified Arborists
Serving North County since 1983
Frequently Asked Questions & Common Concerns
Tree Barber is always available to answer your tree care questions!
At Tree Barber, we are proud to be the one of the top tree service companies in the North County San Diego area. Instead of wondering what you should or should not do, get real answers from the people that know trees best. Our customers rely on us for more than quick fixes and oversimplified solutions. We closely adhere to the code of tree ethics, meet industry standards, and exceed customer expectations.
Some frequently asked questions and answers from a certified North County San Diego arborist are listed below (Please click on question).
What is a Certified Arborist?
Certified Arborists are individuals who have achieved a level of knowledge in the art and science of tree care through experience and by passing a comprehensive examination developed by some of the nation’s leading experts on tree care.
What should I do about a dead tree?
Dead trees should be removed as soon as possible. You never know exactly where they will fall or if they could cause harm to another person or another person’s property.
Do I need to remove dead branches?
Dead branches do not help trees, and they can cause property damage or bodily harm. Additionally, dead branches can allow decay to enter the healthy parts of the tree.
What should I do to get rid of fungi and mushrooms that grow on trees?
Fungi and mushrooms can be a sign that the tree is rotting or decaying, especially if the growth is around the base of the tree and the roots. The issue needs to be examined by a certified arborist.
Does it mean anything when there is raised earth around the base of a tree?
Again, it is important to have an arborist look at the tree in question. It could be a sign that the tree is unstable and could uproot during a storm.
Do I need to get rid of a leaning tree?
You might. A certified arborist can tell you whether or not a leaning tree is a safety hazard in any given situation.
Will missing bark grow back?
Missing bark can be an indication that a tree is sick. Overexposure due to missing bark could also potentially attract an insect infestation.
How can I make my property safe from fires in Southern California?
Our certified arborist at Tree Barber will be happy to visit your property and give you specific recommendations. In general, we recommend the removal of dead or dry branches, pruning lower branches of trees 12’from the ground, and the removal of shrubs and trees that are too close to the roof of your home.
Should I top my trees by myself?
Tree Reduction is often used interchangeably with Topping but they are not the same! Topping is one of the most harmful tree pruning practices, yet many tree service companies still do it. Tree Barber can help reduce the size of the tree using proper Tree Reduction techniques.
Is it okay to plant trees close to my home?
It might be, but it might not be. There are many different factors that affect whether or not you should plant a tree near your home. One of our certified arborists can give you all of the information you need to make the best decision.
Is it okay to plant a new tree close to a recently cut tree stump?
There are often complications that arise when a new tree is planted next to a tree stump from a tree that was infected with a disease. Let one of our arborists make a few suggestions before you start purchasing and planting.
When is the best time of year to prune my trees?
Pruning trees correctly is more complicated than many people think. Contact our North County San Diego tree service for expert advice from a certified arborist and highly trained workers. Putting off pruning can cause a variety of different issues.
What can I do to prevent major storm and wind damage?
The healthier your trees are, the safer they are against damage. Pruning trees correctly, to ensure balance, can also help mitigate issues caused by strong winds and storms.